Theoretical Expectancy Calculator

Theoretical Expectancy Calculator

This program is used to estimate the amount of workforce improvement that can be realized by implementing a valid selection procedure in an organization. The program quickly and accurately computes institutional expectancies under three different models, based on information that you supply. Click here for instruction manual.

Much of the source code for this program was developed by Richard A. McLellan and included as part of his presentation at the 1996 SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists) Conference. A complete copy of the presentation materials is available. Click here to request a copy.

Enter the selection procedure's (test's)
raw score mean: and raw score std. dev.:
Choose the desired model by pressing one of the buttons below.

Compute the percent of applicants selected that will be successful

Compute the hit rates for Each of N Predictor Score Zones

Compute the selected group's mean performance

by Richard A. McLellan
225 South Sixth Street, Suite 400
Minneapolis, MN 55402

612-843-3887 (voice)
612-904-7100 (fax)

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